Etäluento 15.12 klo 18: Quantum technologies and quantum computers
Julkaistu: 04.12.2021.
Fyysikkoalumnilla on kunnia saada prof. Mikko Möttönen luennoimaan kvanttiteknologiasta ja kvanttitietokoneista ke 15.12 klo 18 – 19.
Etäluento pidetään englanniksi. Zoom-linkki tapahtumaan:
Fyysikkoalumnin hallitus
Quantum technologies and quantum computers
Introduction to the Quantum technologies study program in Aalto and latest developments in quantum technologies
Mikko Möttönen is the Head of the Quantum Computing and Devices research group, Aalto University. Mikko obtained his PhD in Technical Physics in 2005 from the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) . In 2007, Mikko became a Docent in Quantum Computing and the leader of the Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD) group in the Academy of Finland Center of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience (COMP) at TKK. In 2012 he established QCD Labs that presently hosts four millikelvin cryostats and microwave measurement equipment at Aalto University, Finland. In 2015, Mikko was appointed to a part-time Research Professorship in Quantum Computing at the University of Jyväskylä and to a full-time permanent staff position at Aalto University. He also wrote nine science columns to the main national newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. In 2019, Mikko was appointed to his present post as an Associate Professor (tenured) of Quantum Technology shared between Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. He also co-founded a quantum-computer company IQM as a spinout from his research. Presently, Mikko’s QCD Labs focuses on integrating engineered normal-metal reservoirs into quantum-mechanically behaving electronic devices such as superconducting qubits. Mikko also acts as the Director of Aalto BSc Programme in Science and Technology and as the head of its Quantum Technology major. In 2020–2021, Mikko received the Nokia Foundation Award, Väisälä Prize, and Innovation Professor Award.